From http://www.physorg.com/Cooling molecules with lasers is harder than cooling individual atoms with lasers. The very process of laser cooling, in which atoms are buffeted by thousands of photons, was thought by many to be impossible for molecules since photons, instead of slowing and cooling the molecules, could actually excite internal motions such as rotations and vibrations.
Seques Nicely with the Latter Part of Michio Kaku book: Parallel Worlds, and the Difficulties in Developing a Quantum Computer.
From smh.com.auThe Sydney Morning Herald
What a Gas! Hubble Takes a Snap of the Past
LOS ANGELES: Scientists have found the most distant space object yet observed: a galaxy born just 500 million years after the Big Bang.
Link: http://www.smh.com.au/world/science/what-a-gas-hubble-takes-a-snap-of-the-past-20101021-16vya.html
Astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) have now measured the distance to the most distant galaxy so far, UDFy-38135539 (the faint object shown in the excerpt on the left).
It is seen here in a Hubble Space Telescope photo and is about 13.1 billion light-years away.
An ancient galaxy has broken the record for the most distant point in the sky known to date, with its light taking roughly 13.1 billion years to reach Earth -- -- also making it the oldest known thing in the universe.